Sunday, September 22, 2024

Crater Lake

We could not have asked for a better day.  The weather was perfect.  After eating a great breakfast at the hotel, we drove to Crater Lake.  It was a beautiful drive.  The roads were lined with beautiful groves of        trees.  There were a lot of folks at the lake.  The parking lot was full but in true Art fashion, we scored a     great parking spot.   We hiked down to the lookout.  I don’t know if we are getting used to the hikes or we are in better shape, but the hike didn’t seem bad at all.  Sadly, the visitor center there was closed today. We made an another stop to get a different view of the lake and then we were off to La Pine.                              

We got settled into our hotel and watched a little football.  We grabbed a sandwich at subway for dinner then we went to the hot tub.  True to its name it was really hot.  The pool was equally cold.   We didn’t stay too long but it was nice to let the jets beat up our tired bodies.

Tomorrow we’ll  head for home.  It has been a great time! So happy and grateful we got to do this.

                                                                     Crater Lake

Last nights sunset

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Big Trees

 This morning seems like it was a week ago.  We decided to have the hotel breakfast this morning instead of going to a restaurant. It was actually pretty good.  I wish they would have had fruit other than just apples as I eat a ton of fruit every day but if that is the worst of it I would say it is pretty good.  

We drove to Crescent City today.  We made several stops along the way.  We saw a lot of redwood trees.  And my oh my to say they are big trees is an understatement.  They are so beautiful and majestic.  We stopped at a couple ranger stations/visitor centers, the Lady Bird Johnson Grove, Stout Grove and Jedediah State Park, Simpson Trail,  and a couple others .  Yes……yes we did the hikes at these Groves.  And they didn’t seem to be too bad.  I was proud of us.  Maybe I’ll feel differently in the morning but so far so good.  

Our hotel is right on the beach.  We have a front row view of the ocean.  After checking into our hotel, we took a drove around the town,  We wanted to go to the lighthouse but you can only get to it if the tide is low and unfortunately the tide was high.  But we did find the Historical Society Museum.  We got there a half hour before closing so we had to hurry through it but we really enjoyed it.  It was really interesting.  We could have spent a lot longer time there.

We had a great dinner and reminisced about the crazy big trees we saw and are now watching our home team play football. 

The weather today was just perfect.  We have really lucked out with good weather.  

                                                                View from our balcony

Friday, September 20, 2024

Just Driving

Time is flying by. I can’t believe it is already Friday.  We had a fun traveling day today.  We had a delicious breakfast this morning.  The restaurant was located in the same parking lot as the Hotel.  In true Art form, we went to breakfast at the perfect time.  We got there and we were the only ones there.  Right after our food was served the place was packed.  We were able to get our food quickly and could get on the road at a great time.

We drove to Arcata.  We made a few stops to break the drive up.  One of the stops was at a rangers station by a big lake. The volunteer gave us a map and told us some great places along the way to visit.  We did stop at one that he suggested and even did a small hike to get to it but then realized we could drive down to it. So, we hiked back to the car and drove over but the lot was closed.  The whole area was closed for the season.  We did find along the drive a Big Foot museum.  It not only had Big Foot things it was a museum of antique things.  As we walked through, I thought I sold one like that or I have seen one like that in our garage.  Toward the end Art came up to me and said “I have owned most of this stuff.”  We got a good laugh.  

The drive was a beautiful drive.  We were able to rest our legs from the other hikes.  Yes we are still feeling the effects of the hikes…… I told you we are out of shape.  But…. we are ready for hiking tomorrow.  We did see a sign we have never seen before.  We made a 360 degree turn.  In the words of Ralph “You meet up with your own headlights”

We had a great dinner tonight.  Art found a diner that served prime rib and it was delicious.  We have left overs so I know what we will be having for lunch tomorrow…yum!

The weather today couldn’t not have been better.  Bright blue skies and warm even hot at times.  But tonight, it is a little chilly. We are going to stay tucked in.

                                                            Lake at the rangers station

Thursday, September 19, 2024

No More Scary Road

 We said goodbye to the charming redneck cabin today.  We had a delicious breakfast this morning. We went to the same restaurant for breakfast that we had dinner.  We even ran in to the couple from Boston that we met last night.  Our waitress really liked us.  She sat down and just started visiting with us.  She was telling us about her life.  Pretty funny.  The maid met us on the way to eat. She was really friendly and had to tell us how she was an ugly duckling growing up but now was a swan.  It all started when she told Art he had beautiful skin and was so handsome.  Anyway we checked out.  I said I would so come back and stay at this place but Art said ….NOPE.  Perhaps the bathroom sink being held up with a carjack was just too much or perhaps it was the many other crazy things in the cabin.  

Art’s car phone holder broke when were in Yosemite.  He found one this morning at a Walmart just an hour away and we had to drive right by there anyway so he ordered it for pickup.  The new one works great and we even scored some grapes and oranges.  

The road yesterday was way too scary to do again today, so we decided to find a better route. To say I was relieved not to drive up that mountain again is a huge understatement.  No more hairpin turns for this girl. I forgot to mention yesterday, on the scary drive on the mountain, we had a deer jump out in front of us on its way to the other side of the road to eat.  The was an “oh deer” moment. 

We made it to Woodland, CA safe and sound with a calm leisurely drive. Our hotel doesn’t have a river off a balcony (we don’t even have a balcony) but it does have a pool.  We were going to get in the pool but I am not sure how I did it but I left the bottoms to my suit at home.  YIKES!  Plus we all know I have a lot of shoes.  I packed a shoe bag.  I brought along several pairs of shoes.  I thought I was more than covered in shoe department.  NOPE…… can you believe I never packed any flip flops.  I must have over 50 pairs at home.  Gads!  I can’t believe I didn’t bring any.   My sweet Art suggested we go to Walmart and pick up some swimsuit bottoms and flip flops.  That is just what we did.  We went to Walmart twice in one day.  I think (hope) we are covered now.

We went to KFC for dinner and holy moly it was absolutely delicious!  I can’t remember when I had chicken that fresh.  It was a WOW dinner. 

Good thing we had the drive today and no hikes.  After our two hikes yesterday, we are both hobbling around today. We needed today to rest up so we can walk around tomorrow.  

Excited for tomorrow!!

                                                      The deer that jump in front of the car 
The redneck cabin

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Day of the Tree

 We really packed it in today.  And we saw a lot of giant trees.  Today was great but this morning seems like three days ago.  We got up early and went back for the buffet breakfast.  It worked great because the restaurant was only about 10 steps from our room.  The buffet seemed to be better today.  It was really good and they had more fresh fruit.  

After breakfast we headed back to the Park for one last tour.  We went to Mariposa Grove.  They had some beautiful giant sequoia trees.  We didn't realize we had to take a shuttle to the trail and it was a hike to the trees. But guess what …..we did it.  

Then it was off to Sequoia National Park.  The drive was nice and leisurely we stopped along the way and got gas and a quick lunch.  We weren’t really going to stop for lunch but instead just eat some snacks.  But…. We needed to use the restroom and the gas station didn’t have any public restrooms so we stopped at a drive in.  They were really nice.  I had some fries and when she asked if we wanted Ketchup or any sauces,  I said I would take fry sauce.  She looked at me really funny and asked what fry sauce was.  After I explained it, she said she would give a cup of mayo and some ketchup so I could make some.  Worked out great.

Then to the Sequoia Park we went.  It is quite the drive up the mountain.  Yes we drove to the top.  It took about an hour and it was switch back all the way.  It was a narrow scary road with hair pin turns.  We both got a little car sick.  It was a scary road.  And let me tell you holding your breath and not looking down the side of the road to the bottom works.  That is what I did and we got there and back safely. That and Art’s skillful driving.

We wanted to see the General Sherman tree as it is the largest living tree in the world.  Let me say that again….. it is the largest living tree in the world.  It truly was quite the sight and worth seeing.  It was a mile hike to see it.  The hike to see it was all down hill and a steep down hill.  That was great.  But what goes down must come back up…….   Yeah it was all uphill to get back.  We did it.  Whoosh! Full disclosure………we did stop at the benches along the way ….but we did it.

Our hotel/cabin is just outside the Park entrance.  It is a cute little old cabin.  And it is right above the river.  Sweet! Score!.  Art did an amazing job getting us places to stay.  We have a nice deck with comfy chairs and a double swing and a couple chairs for the yard.  But that’s not all.  Just off the bathroom is a sauna.  That was a big surprise!

We had a lovely dinner at the lobby/restaurant/bar.  We got a discount as we are staying here.  The food was delicious.  But…..they had already sold out the eggplant and the escargot.  HAHAHAHA Darn!  I guess we just missed out.  We met a nice couple sitting at the table in front of us.  They are from Boston.  We had a nice visit with them.  

Now relaxing on the deck listening to the river.  AWWWW so relaxing.  Maybe we’ll try out the sauna. 

With all the hiking today our legs are tired.  Hope we can walk tomorrow.

                     This is the root of a tree that fell

                        Art holding a granite boulder😉

  The deck

                        The top of a sequoia tree

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

10 out of 10

 Today was a 10 out of 10 kinds day.  The weather was beautiful and we had adventure and fun.  I will admit I am tired tonight but it is a good tired.

We got up early and went to the restaurant next door for breakfast.  We were a little apprehensive because dinner wasn’t all that great.  But it was fine… we had no need to worry.  All they serve is buffet.  So we were in an out in no time and it was actually pretty good.  

We really lucked out with the weather.  It wasn’t hot or cold it was just right.  It was a bright blue sky day with a few clouds sprinkled here and there.   We went back to the Park.  We saw Bridal Falls, Glacier Point, and El Capitan to name some.  WOW!  Are they majestic!  We just marveled at the beauty of it all.  We walked our legs off.  We did a little hike.  The main hike was 4 hours to the destination and 4 hours back so we opted to do something shorter instead……Yes we are out of shape though and old.

We even saw a bridal party.  I am not sure I would want to get married in Yosemite but then again that is just me.  

We really didn’t want to go back to the restaurant for dinner tonight as it is the same menu as last night so we went on an adventure.  Art found a restaurant about 30 miles from here.  He thought it looked good so we decided to go.  It was a drive on a windy road and we joked we would be too car sick when we arrived to eat.  But nope….. we were just fine.  It was a little tricky finding it but we prevailed.  It was part of a camp.  It looked similar to places I have gone to for girls camp.  The dining area had a nice fireplace with seating of couches and chairs in a circular fashion.  The decor was a hodgepodge of taxidermied animals, old skis, even an upside down pedal car airplane.  But it was charming and fun. We met an elderly mom and her older daughter.  The mom said she lives 30 miles the other way and comes there often because she loves the food.  The daughter said she comes every time she visits.  Between you me and the fence post the food wasn't

all that great but it was sure fun and I am so glad we went.  It was such a great adventure.  I am just kicking myself I didn’t get any pictures.  We got some ice cream when we came back.

Just sitting on the deck listening to the water in the river roll by.  So very peaceful!  I have so much to be thankful and grateful for.

Arts trout dinner

The roots of this tree are taller than Art

Monday, September 16, 2024

A Day in the Park

 Well I am not Heather with the weather but this is today’s weather.  We had a crazy rain storm with lightning, hail, sleet, and snow, winds, and yes we even got a little sunshine at the end.  

We had a delicious breakfast in Fallon this morning.  The cafe was in the old train depot decor.   It was very charming.  But better than that, the food was absolutely delicious.  And the service was great.  What a great way to start the day.  

We drove to Yosemite and drove through the park.  It is absolutely incredible.  Art  purchased an app to download that gave us a guided tour.  It was a great download…. I highly recommend it.  We stopped at a lake and had planned to eat lunch on the beach but it was just too cold and windy but we had a fun time there anyway and ate a lite lunch in the car.  We made it to Yosemite Village.  We walked around and went to see the movie about the Park. Driving through the park we didn’t really see a lot of people but when we got to the Village we found everyone.  There were a LOT of folks there.  We had trouble finding a place to park.  But with Arts skill and luck, we eventually found a great place. It was such a fun day. We will see more of the Park tomorrow.

We checked in to our hotel and we scored!  Art did an awesome job getting this place.  We have a river just outside our deck.  We sat on our deck for a while and listened to the water. It was great. Then we went to dinner.  And I will say it was very entertaining with the folks around us but the food and service left a lot to be desired. It was just the opposite of this mornings meal. 

Not sure what is wrong with my phone but it is acting up.  I think I’ll have to take it in when I get back.  But I was able to get some pics.

                                                        This is the river outside out room
                                                     Not sure you can tell but this is a waterfall
                                                  This little buddy was on one of the little hikes. This is better than a bear