Saturday, September 21, 2024

Big Trees

 This morning seems like it was a week ago.  We decided to have the hotel breakfast this morning instead of going to a restaurant. It was actually pretty good.  I wish they would have had fruit other than just apples as I eat a ton of fruit every day but if that is the worst of it I would say it is pretty good.  

We drove to Crescent City today.  We made several stops along the way.  We saw a lot of redwood trees.  And my oh my to say they are big trees is an understatement.  They are so beautiful and majestic.  We stopped at a couple ranger stations/visitor centers, the Lady Bird Johnson Grove, Stout Grove and Jedediah State Park, Simpson Trail,  and a couple others .  Yes……yes we did the hikes at these Groves.  And they didn’t seem to be too bad.  I was proud of us.  Maybe I’ll feel differently in the morning but so far so good.  

Our hotel is right on the beach.  We have a front row view of the ocean.  After checking into our hotel, we took a drove around the town,  We wanted to go to the lighthouse but you can only get to it if the tide is low and unfortunately the tide was high.  But we did find the Historical Society Museum.  We got there a half hour before closing so we had to hurry through it but we really enjoyed it.  It was really interesting.  We could have spent a lot longer time there.

We had a great dinner and reminisced about the crazy big trees we saw and are now watching our home team play football. 

The weather today was just perfect.  We have really lucked out with good weather.  

                                                                View from our balcony

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