Tuesday, September 17, 2024

10 out of 10

 Today was a 10 out of 10 kinds day.  The weather was beautiful and we had adventure and fun.  I will admit I am tired tonight but it is a good tired.

We got up early and went to the restaurant next door for breakfast.  We were a little apprehensive because dinner wasn’t all that great.  But it was fine… we had no need to worry.  All they serve is buffet.  So we were in an out in no time and it was actually pretty good.  

We really lucked out with the weather.  It wasn’t hot or cold it was just right.  It was a bright blue sky day with a few clouds sprinkled here and there.   We went back to the Park.  We saw Bridal Falls, Glacier Point, and El Capitan to name some.  WOW!  Are they majestic!  We just marveled at the beauty of it all.  We walked our legs off.  We did a little hike.  The main hike was 4 hours to the destination and 4 hours back so we opted to do something shorter instead……Yes we are out of shape though and old.

We even saw a bridal party.  I am not sure I would want to get married in Yosemite but then again that is just me.  

We really didn’t want to go back to the restaurant for dinner tonight as it is the same menu as last night so we went on an adventure.  Art found a restaurant about 30 miles from here.  He thought it looked good so we decided to go.  It was a drive on a windy road and we joked we would be too car sick when we arrived to eat.  But nope….. we were just fine.  It was a little tricky finding it but we prevailed.  It was part of a camp.  It looked similar to places I have gone to for girls camp.  The dining area had a nice fireplace with seating of couches and chairs in a circular fashion.  The decor was a hodgepodge of taxidermied animals, old skis, even an upside down pedal car airplane.  But it was charming and fun. We met an elderly mom and her older daughter.  The mom said she lives 30 miles the other way and comes there often because she loves the food.  The daughter said she comes every time she visits.  Between you me and the fence post the food wasn't

all that great but it was sure fun and I am so glad we went.  It was such a great adventure.  I am just kicking myself I didn’t get any pictures.  We got some ice cream when we came back.

Just sitting on the deck listening to the water in the river roll by.  So very peaceful!  I have so much to be thankful and grateful for.

Arts trout dinner

The roots of this tree are taller than Art

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