Friday, September 20, 2024

Just Driving

Time is flying by. I can’t believe it is already Friday.  We had a fun traveling day today.  We had a delicious breakfast this morning.  The restaurant was located in the same parking lot as the Hotel.  In true Art form, we went to breakfast at the perfect time.  We got there and we were the only ones there.  Right after our food was served the place was packed.  We were able to get our food quickly and could get on the road at a great time.

We drove to Arcata.  We made a few stops to break the drive up.  One of the stops was at a rangers station by a big lake. The volunteer gave us a map and told us some great places along the way to visit.  We did stop at one that he suggested and even did a small hike to get to it but then realized we could drive down to it. So, we hiked back to the car and drove over but the lot was closed.  The whole area was closed for the season.  We did find along the drive a Big Foot museum.  It not only had Big Foot things it was a museum of antique things.  As we walked through, I thought I sold one like that or I have seen one like that in our garage.  Toward the end Art came up to me and said “I have owned most of this stuff.”  We got a good laugh.  

The drive was a beautiful drive.  We were able to rest our legs from the other hikes.  Yes we are still feeling the effects of the hikes…… I told you we are out of shape.  But…. we are ready for hiking tomorrow.  We did see a sign we have never seen before.  We made a 360 degree turn.  In the words of Ralph “You meet up with your own headlights”

We had a great dinner tonight.  Art found a diner that served prime rib and it was delicious.  We have left overs so I know what we will be having for lunch tomorrow…yum!

The weather today couldn’t not have been better.  Bright blue skies and warm even hot at times.  But tonight, it is a little chilly. We are going to stay tucked in.

                                                            Lake at the rangers station

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