Monday, September 16, 2024

A Day in the Park

 Well I am not Heather with the weather but this is today’s weather.  We had a crazy rain storm with lightning, hail, sleet, and snow, winds, and yes we even got a little sunshine at the end.  

We had a delicious breakfast in Fallon this morning.  The cafe was in the old train depot decor.   It was very charming.  But better than that, the food was absolutely delicious.  And the service was great.  What a great way to start the day.  

We drove to Yosemite and drove through the park.  It is absolutely incredible.  Art  purchased an app to download that gave us a guided tour.  It was a great download…. I highly recommend it.  We stopped at a lake and had planned to eat lunch on the beach but it was just too cold and windy but we had a fun time there anyway and ate a lite lunch in the car.  We made it to Yosemite Village.  We walked around and went to see the movie about the Park. Driving through the park we didn’t really see a lot of people but when we got to the Village we found everyone.  There were a LOT of folks there.  We had trouble finding a place to park.  But with Arts skill and luck, we eventually found a great place. It was such a fun day. We will see more of the Park tomorrow.

We checked in to our hotel and we scored!  Art did an awesome job getting this place.  We have a river just outside our deck.  We sat on our deck for a while and listened to the water. It was great. Then we went to dinner.  And I will say it was very entertaining with the folks around us but the food and service left a lot to be desired. It was just the opposite of this mornings meal. 

Not sure what is wrong with my phone but it is acting up.  I think I’ll have to take it in when I get back.  But I was able to get some pics.

                                                        This is the river outside out room
                                                     Not sure you can tell but this is a waterfall
                                                  This little buddy was on one of the little hikes. This is better than a bear

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