Thursday, September 19, 2024

No More Scary Road

 We said goodbye to the charming redneck cabin today.  We had a delicious breakfast this morning. We went to the same restaurant for breakfast that we had dinner.  We even ran in to the couple from Boston that we met last night.  Our waitress really liked us.  She sat down and just started visiting with us.  She was telling us about her life.  Pretty funny.  The maid met us on the way to eat. She was really friendly and had to tell us how she was an ugly duckling growing up but now was a swan.  It all started when she told Art he had beautiful skin and was so handsome.  Anyway we checked out.  I said I would so come back and stay at this place but Art said ….NOPE.  Perhaps the bathroom sink being held up with a carjack was just too much or perhaps it was the many other crazy things in the cabin.  

Art’s car phone holder broke when were in Yosemite.  He found one this morning at a Walmart just an hour away and we had to drive right by there anyway so he ordered it for pickup.  The new one works great and we even scored some grapes and oranges.  

The road yesterday was way too scary to do again today, so we decided to find a better route. To say I was relieved not to drive up that mountain again is a huge understatement.  No more hairpin turns for this girl. I forgot to mention yesterday, on the scary drive on the mountain, we had a deer jump out in front of us on its way to the other side of the road to eat.  The was an “oh deer” moment. 

We made it to Woodland, CA safe and sound with a calm leisurely drive. Our hotel doesn’t have a river off a balcony (we don’t even have a balcony) but it does have a pool.  We were going to get in the pool but I am not sure how I did it but I left the bottoms to my suit at home.  YIKES!  Plus we all know I have a lot of shoes.  I packed a shoe bag.  I brought along several pairs of shoes.  I thought I was more than covered in shoe department.  NOPE…… can you believe I never packed any flip flops.  I must have over 50 pairs at home.  Gads!  I can’t believe I didn’t bring any.   My sweet Art suggested we go to Walmart and pick up some swimsuit bottoms and flip flops.  That is just what we did.  We went to Walmart twice in one day.  I think (hope) we are covered now.

We went to KFC for dinner and holy moly it was absolutely delicious!  I can’t remember when I had chicken that fresh.  It was a WOW dinner. 

Good thing we had the drive today and no hikes.  After our two hikes yesterday, we are both hobbling around today. We needed today to rest up so we can walk around tomorrow.  

Excited for tomorrow!!

                                                      The deer that jump in front of the car 
The redneck cabin

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