Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Day of the Tree

 We really packed it in today.  And we saw a lot of giant trees.  Today was great but this morning seems like three days ago.  We got up early and went back for the buffet breakfast.  It worked great because the restaurant was only about 10 steps from our room.  The buffet seemed to be better today.  It was really good and they had more fresh fruit.  

After breakfast we headed back to the Park for one last tour.  We went to Mariposa Grove.  They had some beautiful giant sequoia trees.  We didn't realize we had to take a shuttle to the trail and it was a hike to the trees. But guess what …..we did it.  

Then it was off to Sequoia National Park.  The drive was nice and leisurely we stopped along the way and got gas and a quick lunch.  We weren’t really going to stop for lunch but instead just eat some snacks.  But…. We needed to use the restroom and the gas station didn’t have any public restrooms so we stopped at a drive in.  They were really nice.  I had some fries and when she asked if we wanted Ketchup or any sauces,  I said I would take fry sauce.  She looked at me really funny and asked what fry sauce was.  After I explained it, she said she would give a cup of mayo and some ketchup so I could make some.  Worked out great.

Then to the Sequoia Park we went.  It is quite the drive up the mountain.  Yes we drove to the top.  It took about an hour and it was switch back all the way.  It was a narrow scary road with hair pin turns.  We both got a little car sick.  It was a scary road.  And let me tell you holding your breath and not looking down the side of the road to the bottom works.  That is what I did and we got there and back safely. That and Art’s skillful driving.

We wanted to see the General Sherman tree as it is the largest living tree in the world.  Let me say that again….. it is the largest living tree in the world.  It truly was quite the sight and worth seeing.  It was a mile hike to see it.  The hike to see it was all down hill and a steep down hill.  That was great.  But what goes down must come back up…….   Yeah it was all uphill to get back.  We did it.  Whoosh! Full disclosure………we did stop at the benches along the way ….but we did it.

Our hotel/cabin is just outside the Park entrance.  It is a cute little old cabin.  And it is right above the river.  Sweet! Score!.  Art did an amazing job getting us places to stay.  We have a nice deck with comfy chairs and a double swing and a couple chairs for the yard.  But that’s not all.  Just off the bathroom is a sauna.  That was a big surprise!

We had a lovely dinner at the lobby/restaurant/bar.  We got a discount as we are staying here.  The food was delicious.  But…..they had already sold out the eggplant and the escargot.  HAHAHAHA Darn!  I guess we just missed out.  We met a nice couple sitting at the table in front of us.  They are from Boston.  We had a nice visit with them.  

Now relaxing on the deck listening to the river.  AWWWW so relaxing.  Maybe we’ll try out the sauna. 

With all the hiking today our legs are tired.  Hope we can walk tomorrow.

                     This is the root of a tree that fell

                        Art holding a granite boulder😉

  The deck

                        The top of a sequoia tree

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