Monday, February 22, 2010

Last Day

Well yesterday was our last day.We are now home but let me fill you in on yesterday. We got up and packed our bags before going to breakfast. Part of my Texas Hold Em winnings was a bottle of tequila. A big bottle of tequila. We didn't want it but I knew just who would. We met a guy from Iowa. He was a great guy and we enjoyed him very much. He loved loved loved to drink. I knew he would enjoy the bottle. I took the bottle with us to breakfast with the hope that I would see him. Sure enough, as we were finishing eating, he came in and they just happened to sit him next to us. We was happy to take the bottle. After breakfast it started raining again so we spent some time on our deck and in the lobby bar. We had a very quick bite to eat for lunch then headed to the airport.

The airport was packed. Oh my goodness. It took us 1 1/2 hours to get to the check in counter to get our tickets. It was raining pretty hard and our luggage sat out on the tarmac for about 30 minutes waiting to be loaded. So yes our bag got soaked. Our flight was good just long. As we passed over Texas, there was a lightning storm. It was pretty awesome to watch to clouds light up the way they did. We faced a pretty strong head wind so we were late getting in to SLC. But customs was easy to get through and we got back to Boise safe and sound about 11:00 pm. The Buddy picked us up and delivered us home. Thanks to the Buddy for staying up late to get us.

Now back to the real world.

1 comment:

Mrs. Doctor said...

Loved living vicariously through you. Bummer, that means back to the real world for me too.